Global, collaborative, technology-based initiatives across the learning spectrum (Pre-K, K-12, Academic, Work, Personal, Military/Police)
Started by Paul Terlemezian in GLN Insights. Last reply by Paul Terlemezian 22 hours ago. 7 Replies 0 Likes
New Leader Development - In a world full of leadership content, it’s easy for an emerging or aspiring manager to get overwhelmed. Companies promote high achieving individuals who are absolute rockstars as individual contributors and wish to…Continue
Started by Paul Terlemezian in GLN - Point-of-View. Last reply by Paul Terlemezian Aug 19. 2 Replies 0 Likes
The Georgia LEARNS Now Point-of-VIew process usually includes the following:A series of informal conversations that reveal something worth having a point-of-view about.A survey intended to learn from others regarding the "something"A GLN event…Continue
Started by Paul Terlemezian in GLN Insights. Last reply by Mayank Nawal Aug 18. 3 Replies 1 Like
“Technology Leadership Playbook is designed to provide practical, contemporary leadership techniques to help navigate current issues facing technology leaders and executives. The course explores current topics using case studies, recent articles and…Continue
Started by Paul Terlemezian in GLN ReachoutAbouts. Last reply by Yvette Francis Jul 10. 1 Reply 2 Likes
Topic: GLN ReachOutAbout - A Better WayTime: Jul 16, 2024 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)…Continue
Started by Paul Terlemezian in GLN LearnAbouts Mar 4. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Learner: Dr. Marilyn CarrollLearn with Dr. Carroll and other entrepreneurs interested in raising capital for their EdTech Startup.The format of this session will be:Marilyn will explain what she wishes to learn about - and whyShe will ask each of…Continue
Started by Paul Terlemezian in GLN TeachAbouts Feb 11. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Earlier this year, Glenn responded to the Conscious Capitalism/Georgia LEARNS Pluralism event by sending an email via LinkedIn. His message included:"...the magic lies in an agreed upon process for making the conversation a "fair fight." In my…Continue
Started by Paul Terlemezian in Georgia LEARNS 2023 Nov 26, 2023. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Is it possible or desirable to differentiate purpose from passion?Session Leader: Donald JenkinsThe format of this session will be:Five minutes of welcome and…Continue
Started by Paul Terlemezian in Georgia LEARNS 2023 Nov 25, 2023. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Is humble inquiry real or imagined?Is it desirable? If so - when? If not - why?Session Leader:…Continue
Started by Paul Terlemezian in Georgia LEARNS 2023 Nov 25, 2023. 0 Replies 0 Likes
BYOT = Bring Your Own TopicThese sessions are offered to allow for open forum conversation and/or the opportunistic creation of breakout rooms to allow for self-directed conversations.Breakout rooms will be preset. Participants may:Choose an open…Continue
Started by Paul Terlemezian in Georgia LEARNS 2023 Nov 24, 2023. 0 Replies 1 Like
The Surprisingly Simple Cheat Codes for Happiness, Creativity, and Human Performance.If you are human, there is something in this session for you.We live in a world of algorithms. Relatively simple pieces of logic and actions that govern everything.…Continue
Posted by Bill Crose on September 13, 2019 at 11:33am 1 Comment 1 Like
A lifetime ago, my training department colleagues and I were satisfied with training data. We cranked out the requested ILT programs plus the "flavor of the year" content, we kept a busy training schedule, and made sure the coffee was always the right temperature. When accused of not delivering effective training because the learners didn't perform as they were trained, we took refuge in our management support role and not ultimately responsible or accountable for LEARNING or productivity.…
ContinueUpdate - May 30, 2022:
Dave's TeachAbout on May 10, 2022 resulted in the reopening of the Corporate L& D Affinity Group and renaming it as the "ROI of Learning" Affinity Group.
As an Affinity Group we use the "LearnAbout" format:
Affinity Group Sessions:
Original TeachAbout
Expert: David Rudd
Four - 10 Minute Segments
Topic: GLN TeachAbout - David Rudd - ROI of Learning
Time: May 10, 2022 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Regarding ROI specifically and challenging matters generally:
What is the conversation that needs to occur with the business owner of the impacted measure, in advance of the learning intervention, to get buy-in?
I've never had a business leader say that learning is not needed or not important. But 'learning' is such a general term - they don't differentiate the impact of the style of how learning occurs. Can we use standards in our industry on the speed of the impact of styles? Surely, knowledge sharing over time is slower than intensive performance-based experiential learning - but how many times more?
Fascinating - standards on the speed of impact of styles!
Fear can accelerate response. Is it the desired response? Is it sustainable?
I wonder about the impact of accountability?
How do we, as learning leaders, ensure we are looking at CAUSATION in learning interventions - by topics, objectives, and mode - rather than CORRELATION?
Perhaps in the past we only had correlation? Now with technology and mobility I believe that causation is readily available. Are we prepared for the consequences?
If we shift our mindset, will we need new tools - and if so - how will we acquire the skills?
Thanks to all that attended today's session! As I stated during the TeachAbout, I would be happy to further discuss ROI with anyone interested. Please contact me at
Here's the presentation from the session.
Dave Rudd
Dave - thank you for leading this session - your expertise is welcome and beneficial. The 12 Guiding Principles were particularly beneficial! We are eager to continue to learn with you!
Hi group members,
Thank you Paul, Dave, Katie, and Lisa. I feel like I have learned so much during and since Dave Rudd's presentation. In college I learned about cost-benefit analysis and in later years, I have worked on projects to increase revenue or company image and decrease expense or time to proficiency.
Recently, I was thinking about the ROI of:
Last week, I was thinking about a salesperson who came to one of my classes. He was a high-performer. He said, "Just give me a short document and a few PPT slides and I will go sell." I wanted him to stay in the class, but he did not. And yep, he outsold everyone else.
Today, I took a long walk. Glorious day. I kept thinking about ROI and even the ROI of my walk.
A bit of a ramble, but now it is written.
Some things are worth doing - just because...
As I apply my "jaded" mindset regarding ROI to the "ROI of Learning" - I am curious about 4 aspects of "learning" from the perspective of the learner.
Paul, these are all very good, thank you.
I might add:
Thank you Henry.
How might we distinguish job/company returns and career/personal returns and then discover a way to assure that they reinforce each other - in the short term and long term?
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