Global, collaborative, technology-based initiatives across the learning spectrum (Pre-K, K-12, Academic, Work, Personal, Military/Police)



GLN ReachOutAbout - Balancing Work and Life: Is There a Better Way?

Started by Paul Terlemezian in GLN ReachoutAbouts. Last reply by Yvette Francis Jul 10. 1 Reply

Topic: GLN ReachOutAbout - A Better WayTime: Jul 16, 2024 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)…Continue

GLN LearnAbout - Raising Capital for an EdTech Startup - 13 March, 2024 - Noon Eastern

Started by Paul Terlemezian in GLN LearnAbouts Mar 4. 0 Replies

Learner: Dr. Marilyn CarrollLearn with Dr. Carroll and other entrepreneurs interested in raising capital for their EdTech Startup.The format of this session will be:Marilyn will explain what she wishes to learn about - and whyShe will ask each of…Continue

GLN TeachAbout - Integrative Debating - Glenn Meier, February 29, 2024, 3:00 - 3:45 PM Eastern USA

Started by Paul Terlemezian in GLN TeachAbouts Feb 11. 0 Replies

Earlier this year, Glenn responded to the Conscious Capitalism/Georgia LEARNS Pluralism event by sending an email via LinkedIn. His message included:"...the magic lies in an agreed upon process for making the conversation a "fair fight."  In my…Continue

GLN 2023 - TeachAbout - Purpose

Started by Paul Terlemezian in Georgia LEARNS 2023 Nov 26, 2023. 0 Replies

Is it possible or desirable to differentiate purpose from passion?Session Leader: Donald JenkinsThe format of this session will be:Five minutes of welcome and…Continue

GLN 2023 - Hidden About - Humble Inquiry - Scaling

Started by Paul Terlemezian in Georgia LEARNS 2023 Nov 25, 2023. 0 Replies

Is humble inquiry real or imagined?Is it desirable? If so - when? If not - why?Session Leader:…Continue

GLN 2023 - Open Forum Conversation - BYOT

Started by Paul Terlemezian in Georgia LEARNS 2023 Nov 25, 2023. 0 Replies

BYOT = Bring Your Own TopicThese sessions are offered to allow for open forum conversation and/or the opportunistic creation of breakout rooms to allow for self-directed conversations.Breakout rooms will be preset. Participants may:Choose an open…Continue

GLN 2023 - TeachAbout - Cheat Codes for Life

Started by Paul Terlemezian in Georgia LEARNS 2023 Nov 24, 2023. 0 Replies

The Surprisingly Simple Cheat Codes for Happiness, Creativity, and Human Performance.If you are human, there is something in this session for you.We live in a world of algorithms. Relatively simple pieces of logic and actions that govern everything.…Continue

GLN 2023 - Panel Discussion - Innovation

Started by Paul Terlemezian in Georgia LEARNS 2023. Last reply by Paul Terlemezian Nov 27, 2023. 2 Replies

What is the opposite of innovation? Might it be stagnation?How do we know something is an innovation?This session will be the traditional Georgia LEARNS Plus-BYOL-Plus format:First 15 minutes: The humorists will share their perspective on the topic…Continue

GLN 2023 - ExploringPossibilitiesAbout - Hardwiring

Started by Paul Terlemezian in Georgia LEARNS 2023 Nov 21, 2023. 0 Replies

Session Leader: Chuck RussellThe Session Format is the following:1. You will be asked to accept the premise that it is possible to know why you are failing to do…Continue

GLN 2023 - TeachAbout - Simulations 2024

Started by Paul Terlemezian in Georgia LEARNS 2023. Last reply by Paul Terlemezian Nov 30, 2023. 1 Reply

Session Leader: Eric BluesteinThe format of this session will be:1.Eric will explain what he wishes to learn about Simulations - and why.2.He will ask…Continue

Blog Posts

What Are You Measuring?

Posted by Bill Crose on September 13, 2019 at 11:33am 1 Comment

A lifetime ago, my training department colleagues and I were satisfied with training data. We cranked out the requested ILT programs plus the "flavor of the year" content, we kept a busy training schedule, and made sure the coffee was always the right temperature. When accused of not delivering effective training because the learners didn't perform as they were trained, we took refuge in our management support role and not ultimately responsible or accountable for LEARNING or productivity.…



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Segment 15 (2020) Leadership - Thursday, November 12 - 7:00 to 8:00 PM Eastern USA

Overview: What leadership challenges are persistent? What leadership techniques are you willing to question? What new leadership techniques are you willing to try? What obstacles are anticipated?



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I'm curious during this time where change has been even faster and rules are shifting even more frequently how have you seen those you work with lead differently or what have you learned about leading your business to survive and even thrive?

Courage to lead and to doing "right" vs. being "right" is what I am trying to learn and see in others. It  helps if we can learn to listen without being obsessed to respond to constant criticism. I am choosing to consider that sometimes criticism is really a "cry" for help...

That is really interesting the idea that criticism is really a cry for help.  What makes you say that?

Criticism may cause the person that is being criticized to "feel" defensive. If one responds defensively (or offensively) it might be heard by the person doing the criticizing - or it may not. So try defending if you wish - however - out of curiosity might one also consider that the person doing the "criticizing" might actually be upset about something else and you just happened to be in the wrong (or perhaps right)place at the wrong (or perhaps right) time.

My experience reinforces my behavior as when I hear  "cry for help" vs. disagreement - I become much more empathetic and this allows the conversation to be shifted by the other person to the real matter that is bothering them.

Leaders need to widen their lenses to avoid taking the bait, being distracted by the criticism, and missing the cues. As tempting as it may be to spend time defending, leaders need to shift to a perspective with priorities and continual realignment to get the next 6-months – year right and thrive.

True leadership is defined not by how you act when everything is going your way, rather it’s how you react when everything isn’t. I’ve learned when a leader engages in the small things (encouragement, inspiration, respect, and tolerance – the lessons learned in kindergarten) the biggest difference is made over time.

How is leadership evidenced when clarity or consensus is not evident - or perhaps not desired by a significant component of the entity that is being lead?

Are clarity and consensus requirements or simply "data points" for a leader?

How does a leader decide/lead when there is no clarity or consensus related to the decision?

Are there better options than "kick the can" or "point a finger at someone else?"

Could it be that part of the role of a leader is to make decisions amidst ambiguity?  Maybe the leader has to surround him or herself with people who think differently while respectful and will help bring enough data and clarity to make the best possible decision with what is known in as quick a timeframe as is reasonable.

For leaders, clarity of one’s own individual purpose and the understanding of one’s organization’s purpose are requirements. With these in alignment, an environment of empowerment and opportunity is created that catalyzes productivity. In my opinion, consensus comes from a leader using inspiration, combined with determination, to create transformation. It is difficult for a leader to decide/lead when there is no clarity. This type of leadership will encounter numerous challenges, like pushing a rock up a steep hill.

With the current divide in the country, how does that play out in the workplace and what is the role of the leader to recognize and/or minimize the polarity?

That is a great question.  Would the leader's role be to minimize the polarity or could it be that the leader's role is to cast a vision of an even greater purpose to keep the team unified and focused on the more important issues that they can control?

I believe you need to use the workplace as somewhere to have common purpose and somewhere they understand how the role they play contributes to overall success.

I also use my improv training to help people find common ground and teach this to various organizations.  Often, people need tools to help people find common ground between managers and associates, different functions as examples.


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