Global, collaborative, technology-based initiatives across the learning spectrum (Pre-K, K-12, Academic, Work, Personal, Military/Police)
Started by Paul Terlemezian in GLN Insights Sep 2. 0 Replies 0 Likes
New Leader Development - In a world full of leadership content, it’s easy for an emerging or aspiring manager to get overwhelmed. Companies promote high achieving individuals who are absolute rockstars as individual contributors and wish to…Continue
Started by Paul Terlemezian in GLN - Point-of-View. Last reply by Paul Terlemezian Aug 19. 2 Replies 0 Likes
The Georgia LEARNS Now Point-of-VIew process usually includes the following:A series of informal conversations that reveal something worth having a point-of-view about.A survey intended to learn from others regarding the "something"A GLN event…Continue
Started by Paul Terlemezian in GLN Insights. Last reply by Mayank Nawal Aug 18. 3 Replies 1 Like
“Technology Leadership Playbook is designed to provide practical, contemporary leadership techniques to help navigate current issues facing technology leaders and executives. The course explores current topics using case studies, recent articles and…Continue
Started by Paul Terlemezian in GLN ReachoutAbouts. Last reply by Yvette Francis Jul 10. 1 Reply 2 Likes
Topic: GLN ReachOutAbout - A Better WayTime: Jul 16, 2024 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)…Continue
Started by Paul Terlemezian in GLN LearnAbouts Mar 4. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Learner: Dr. Marilyn CarrollLearn with Dr. Carroll and other entrepreneurs interested in raising capital for their EdTech Startup.The format of this session will be:Marilyn will explain what she wishes to learn about - and whyShe will ask each of…Continue
Started by Paul Terlemezian in GLN TeachAbouts Feb 11. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Earlier this year, Glenn responded to the Conscious Capitalism/Georgia LEARNS Pluralism event by sending an email via LinkedIn. His message included:"...the magic lies in an agreed upon process for making the conversation a "fair fight." In my…Continue
Started by Paul Terlemezian in Georgia LEARNS 2023 Nov 26, 2023. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Is it possible or desirable to differentiate purpose from passion?Session Leader: Donald JenkinsThe format of this session will be:Five minutes of welcome and…Continue
Started by Paul Terlemezian in Georgia LEARNS 2023 Nov 25, 2023. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Is humble inquiry real or imagined?Is it desirable? If so - when? If not - why?Session Leader:…Continue
Started by Paul Terlemezian in Georgia LEARNS 2023 Nov 25, 2023. 0 Replies 0 Likes
BYOT = Bring Your Own TopicThese sessions are offered to allow for open forum conversation and/or the opportunistic creation of breakout rooms to allow for self-directed conversations.Breakout rooms will be preset. Participants may:Choose an open…Continue
Started by Paul Terlemezian in Georgia LEARNS 2023 Nov 24, 2023. 0 Replies 1 Like
The Surprisingly Simple Cheat Codes for Happiness, Creativity, and Human Performance.If you are human, there is something in this session for you.We live in a world of algorithms. Relatively simple pieces of logic and actions that govern everything.…Continue
Posted by Bill Crose on September 13, 2019 at 11:33am 1 Comment 1 Like
A lifetime ago, my training department colleagues and I were satisfied with training data. We cranked out the requested ILT programs plus the "flavor of the year" content, we kept a busy training schedule, and made sure the coffee was always the right temperature. When accused of not delivering effective training because the learners didn't perform as they were trained, we took refuge in our management support role and not ultimately responsible or accountable for LEARNING or productivity.…
Continue"Few leaders these days would declare themselves not to be critically reflective."
"Remarkable" Speakers/Listeners:
Hi everyone!
I would like to start a few steps back for this topic before diving into Paul's questions and ask the following:
good questions to start!
Critical can mean a few things, I think in this context critical means "objectively evaluating what could be better/improved."
Reflection is turning the critical eye inward. And yes, we are critical when reflecting, though I think you can reflect and focus on what you did well. not just what could be improved.
Authenticity is a tough one, but a simple definition would be external self-honesty. Are you expressing to the world what you honestly think and feel on the inside?
Hi everyone,
I've been thinking about this topic since last time I posted and here are a few more questions I would like to touch upon:
- How do you personally review yourself?
- What are your criterion for "success" and "failure"?
- What are your metrics of evaluation?
- Did you establish these metrics and standards yourself?
Alex - it seems like there is feedback every day - sometimes it is hard to hear - like a "deafening silence." It is also possible to over-react to what we hear. Finding the balance is key for me - quite easy to say and yet quite hard to do!
Check out "My Bias Is" - this site allows you to scroll through the cognitive biases that prevent critical thinking 24 Cognitive Biases stuffing up your thinking (
That's a great site, thank you for the share!
But I am also curious about how someone critically reflects after this checklist has been done.
In business, it can be "easier" to look at the data and then reflect on how the result was achieved or not, but what about someone's personal life? Or is it as difficult to critically reflect on business goals and outcomes?
We often analyze in business, but do we critically reflect?
Thanks for sharing the link Steph. I wonder how many decisions one makes in an average day?
According to this article - we make 122 decisions/day and spend 3 hours doing so! Frankly - 122 decisions sounds like a low number to me.
What suggestions do you offer that will allow us to filter each decision 24 times?
What did you learn about yourself from Bright Side?
From the Authors of "Learning as a Way of Leading:
Critical Reflection:
"...scrutinize the assumptions we make about power dynamics, our own use of power, and how we accept (without being aware of it) assumptions and practices that harm us...."
This is pointing toward the direction I wanted to take this conversation.
We can think of our jobs, businesses, or organizations that we run as a game of power.
Do we scrutinize the assumptions we make about how we gain power?
I have recently much more focused on the values structures that guide our lives, whether its business or personal lives.
If you seek to immorally run a business and it's successful, did you do a good job?
If I am top performing worker but I do not help my colleagues, am I a good employee?
How do we learn how to be an employee?
How are standards set? Who do we trust to set the standards, evaluate our performance, remedy when needed, and then apply the remedy?
Who does this for the setter of standards (etc. - is this like two mirrors blaming each other?)
Who does this for the self-employed?
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