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Collaborative Conflict

Started by Paul Terlemezian. Last reply by Paul Terlemezian Oct 22, 2024. 7 Replies

Glenn Meier – Collaborative Conflict Website:

Happen to Life CoWork

Started by Paul Terlemezian. Last reply by Yvette Francis Oct 27, 2024. 6 Replies

Yvette Francis– Happen to Life CoWork Overview:…Continue

Rewarding Student Performance

Started by Paul Terlemezian. Last reply by Paul Terlemezian Oct 22, 2024. 4 Replies

Regnault Drake-Sanders – Rewarding Student Performance Overview:…Continue

Use of AI Avatars as Teachers

Started by Paul Terlemezian. Last reply by Paul Terlemezian Oct 18, 2024. 4 Replies

Read Blumberg – Use of AI Avatars as Teachers Example:…Continue

Gen Z Leadership Preparation

Started by Paul Terlemezian Sep 29, 2024. 0 Replies

Theo Gilbert-Jamison - Gen Z Leadership Preparation Overview:

Blog Posts

What Are You Measuring?

Posted by Bill Crose on September 13, 2019 at 11:33am 1 Comment

A lifetime ago, my training department colleagues and I were satisfied with training data. We cranked out the requested ILT programs plus the "flavor of the year" content, we kept a busy training schedule, and made sure the coffee was always the right temperature. When accused of not delivering effective training because the learners didn't perform as they were trained, we took refuge in our management support role and not ultimately responsible or accountable for LEARNING or productivity.…



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Glenn Meier – Collaborative Conflict


Views: 122

Replies to This Discussion

Hi my name is Nicole Tooson. I am a sophomore at Brenau University. Do you think that the way in which people deal with conflict has anything to do with their upbringing or societal norms? If so, do you think that resolution looks different as well?

Yes - Nicole. I do think that the way we deal with conflict has much to do with our upbringing and societal norms and because of that I also think that resolution will look different. I choose to believe that relationship, trust, and commitment can be the foundation for a wide range of resolutions.

Hi, my name is Stephanie Flores. My question for you is: Do you believe conflict impacts one's work ethic, and if so, how does it apply to collaborative conflict?

Conflict may impact work ethic positively or negatively. If our reaction to conflict is fear or doubt it may have a negative impact. If our reaction is curiosity and growth it may have a positive impact. Our ambition is to work with each other (i.e., collaborate) to increase the potential for all to be open to curiosity and growth.

HI my name is Kalyne Bryant a senior at Brenau University. You used to be in the law firm but are not currently. When you were there, did you come by any parent/ child relationship collaborative conflict? If so, was it or not resolved and why?

Hi, my name is Georgina Oropeza. I am a sophomore at Brenau University. The topic idea for my informative speech is going to be: Encouraging Dialogue for School Conflict Resolution. My question for you is: What are some effective conflict resolution techniques that students can implement in their day to day to improve the outcome of any conflict they may have in school, such as peer conflicts or disagreements with teachers?

Here are some thoughts regarding techniques:

  1. Be open to learning - listen, understand - try to be patient.
  2. Reflect on why the situation might be bothering you. Think positive thoughts and allow a sincere (not sarcastic) smile emerge. This actually causes your brain to work better.
  3. Use the improved brain function to find common (often higher) ground.

When using this with someone that you perceive may have more power or authority it is best to consider a "one down" approach - be open to learning from the other what they wish you would do to avoid conflict in the future. Don't expect them to respond and ask from you - but if they do - respond with kindness. It can be difficult for some people to be vulnerable.


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